Case Info Sheet
This is a request to utilize the infill incentive district designation per A.R.S. 9-499.10.
This is a request to utilize the infill incentive district designation per A.R.S. 9-499.10.
Please return to this page for periodic updates.
11.3 +/- acres
11.3 +/- acres
Public Hearing Information
Planning Commission
9/10/2003 APPROVED 6-0
City Council
10/7/2003 AMENDED 7-0
Dates given for public hearings are tentative and subject to change.
Please call 480-312-7767 the day before the scheduled hearing to confirm the date and time.
If you wish to speak, please arrive early to fill out a comment card.
Planning Commission
9/10/2003 APPROVED 6-0
City Council
10/7/2003 AMENDED 7-0
Dates given for public hearings are tentative and subject to change.
Please call 480-312-7767 the day before the scheduled hearing to confirm the date and time.
If you wish to speak, please arrive early to fill out a comment card.
Kurt Jones
Kurt Jones
Archived Documents
300FT Notices (146048-v1) (1 MB) |
ALTA Survey (119508-v1) (1 MB) |
Amphitheater PlanSectionPerspective (4991364-v1) (2 MB) |
Application (170509-v1) (72 KB) |
Application (179667-v1) (72 KB) |
Assessors Map (176355-v1) (246 KB) |
Barrel Cactus Node - Plan View, Elevation, Perspective (4991367-v1) (2 MB) |
Building Permit (170513-v1) (222 KB) |
Building Permit (179671-v1) (222 KB) |
Cash Transmittal (170511-v1) (28 KB) |
Cash Transmittal (179669-v1) (28 KB) |
Circulation (color) (119541-v1) (657 KB) |
Citizen Review Interim Report (175104-v1) (154 KB) |
Citizen Review Plan (2426774-v1) (310 KB) |
Citizen Review Report (175102-v1) (5 MB) |
Citizen Review Report Addendum (175103-v1) (1 MB) |
CitizenSpeaker Comment Card (2426872-v1) (685 KB) |
City Council Mtg Minutes (167518-v1) (653 KB) |
City Council Report (193300-v1) (424 KB) |
Community Input (2431329-v1) (195 KB) |
Contour Map (119503-v1) (926 KB) |
Details (119514-v1) (61 KB) |
Development Agreement (176363-v1) (1 MB) |
Drainage (175110-v1) (2 MB) |
DRB Meeting Minutes (167520-v1) (904 KB) |
ElevationsMaterial Samples (4997295-v1) (5 MB) |
Elevations-South Building H-I (5013929-v1) (13 MB) |
Floor Plan (119504-v1) (1 MB) |
General Correspondence (11494785-v1) (54 KB) |
Graphics (109723-v1) (23 KB) |
Graphics (109729-v1) (60 KB) |
GRAPHICS (6562616-v1) (9 MB) |
Hardscape Details (4983963-v1) (32 MB) |
Hardscape Plan (4983958-v1) (51 MB) |
Infill Incentive Plan (181652-v1) (115 KB) |
Landscape (119513-v1) (185 KB) |
Landscape (139678-v1) (1 MB) |
LandscapeHardscape (4991370-v1) (2 MB) |
Legal Notice (176353-v1) (147 KB) |
Letter of Authorization (176360-v1) (25 KB) |
Luminar Computational Parameters (7357757-v1) (297 KB) |
Material Sample (109725-v1) (574 KB) |
Memorandum (181656-v1) (859 KB) |
MiscellaneousGeneral (2431235-v1) (227 KB) |
MiscellaneousGeneral (2431330-v1) (1 MB) |
Narrative (170510-v1) (1 MB) |
Narrative (170519-v1) (2 MB) |
Narrative (179668-v1) (1 MB) |
Narrative (179677-v1) (2 MB) |
Ordinance (176366-v1) (478 KB) |
Ordinance (176368-v1) (3 MB) |
Other (181653-v1) (965 KB) |
Other (181654-v1) (4 MB) |
Overall Hardscape Plan (4991362-v1) (2 MB) |
Parking plan (119506-v1) (768 KB) |
Perspective Drawing (119512-v1) (658 KB) |
Phase II Hardscape Plan (4991371-v1) (7 MB) |
Phase II Revised Hardscape (4991372-v1) (2 MB) |
Photographs (109726-v1) (536 KB) |
Planning Commission Mtg Minutes (167519-v1) (137 KB) |
Planning Commission Report (175113-v1) (488 KB) |
PLANS - HEARING APPROVED (16205459-v1) (22 MB) |
Plant Samples (4991361-v1) (5 MB) |
Pre-App Info (170514-v1) (83 KB) |
Pre-App Info (179672-v1) (83 KB) |
Prickly Pear Cactus Node - Plan View, Elevation, Perspective (4991366-v1) (2 MB) |
Project Data (181655-v1) (22 KB) |
Proposed Ordinance Language (181651-v1) (12 MB) |
Quarter Section Map (119511-v1) (206 KB) |
Resolution (176365-v1) (75 KB) |
Resolution (176367-v1) (2 MB) |
Resolution (176369-v1) (3 MB) |
Roof (119505-v1) (276 KB) |
Shopping List (170512-v1) (217 KB) |
Shopping List (179670-v1) (217 KB) |
Site Plan (6562615-v1) (1 MB) |
Site Posting Affidavit (176352-v1) (1 MB) |
SitePhasing Plan (5013926-v1) (15 MB) |
SRP Switching Cabinets Enclosure Railing - Plan, Section Elevation, Materials (4991363-v1) (1 MB) |
Stipulations (176364-v1) (970 KB) |
Survey (119507-v1) (460 KB) |
Terms Balance Sheet (181649-v1) (76 KB) |
TIMA Scope (181650-v1) (8 KB) |
Title ReportDocs (176354-v1) (465 KB) |
Tolling Agreement (176356-v1) (1 MB) |
Traffic Impact (175114-v1) (1 MB) |
Transaction Term Sheet (181648-v1) (136 KB) |
Transportation Impact & Mitigation... (175111-v1) (3 MB) |
Valet Drop Zone - Plan View, Section, Perspective, Tile Pattern (4991365-v1) (2 MB) |
WaterSewer (119510-v1) (482 KB) |
Zoning Map (119509-v1) (104 KB) |
Contact Information
The preceding data provides general information only.
For additional information about this application, please contact Current Planning at 480-312-7767 or click the link below to send an email.
Please mention the specific case number when calling or e-mailing.