Digital Special Event Application Submittal

Welcome (Step 1 of 5)

Special Event

If this is your first event in Scottsdale, we are glad to have you. If you have had events here before, welcome back!

Standard applications must be completed and submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the event. Simple applications must be completed and submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the event. Applications received less than the deadlines stated above are subject to denial, unless the applicant includes a written explanation as part of the narrative demonstrating that compliance with the deadline was impractical or impossible.

Public Information Please note the information you provide becomes public information.

For more information please refer to the following resources

Special Event Guidebook (PDF)

Location (Step 2 of 5)

Special Event Information

Event Description

Event Location *

Start by typing a street number or name to find the address or intersection

Details (Step 3 of 5)

Event Description and Location

Event Name
Event Description
Application Type

Event Schedule

All fields including date, hours, and attendance, must be entered to add a date to the schedule

Event Setup Details


Event Teardown Details

For multi-day events, please upload event setup and teardown details.

Applicant Information



Please describe your past event experience and ability to successfully plan and execute the proposed event.

Prior Events


Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Event Elements


Please select a minimum of one or more of the following elements: *

- Relates to the City, the people who live there, or citizenship
- The beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group, place, or time that are included in the event.
- The knowledge, skill, and/or understanding that someone may receive or provide from attending the event.
- Enjoyment or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc.
- Something people will attend or participate in to relax, exercise, or find pleasure in through competition or leisure.

Public Property Criteria

For special events occurring on public property, the following criteria is considered with the evaluation of the event request. All questions must be answered.

Yes No
Yes No

Event Equipment & Vendor Sales



Select all that apply. Show all equipment on your attached site plan and describe in detail in supplemental documents.

Tents larger than 20'x20' (400 square feet) require additional permits from the Fire Department. Generators 20 kw or greater require a separate permit.


Signage Plan


If needed, please provide additional sign quantities and sign types in the description box.

Site Plan

A site plan is required for the overall event layout as well as any route maps for moving events such as races, parades, etc.

As a general rule, site plans must include: surrounding street names, stages, speakers, fencing/barriers, bleachers, canopies/tests, cooking areas, generators, vehicles, beer gardens (and separate map required), number and dimension of entrances/exits, start and finish lines, routes with directional arrows, tables, chairs, TVs, temporary restrooms, etc.

Parking Plan


Please submit an illustrated map and/or provide a written description below to indicate where the event parking will occur for attendees, staff, volunteers, and vendors. State anticipated parking needs and spaces being provided. This may include on-site parking, off-site parking, shuttles, ride providers, valet, etc. Adequate parking must be available to demonstrate that parking or traffic impacts to adjacent areas are minimized. Any proposed off-site parking on private property requires a written approval from the property owner.

If valet is proposed using public property, a separate temporary valet parking license is required by the valet provider and an application must be submitted to the City’s Tax & License Department.

The event will include the following (check all that apply):

Contact Tax & Licensing at (480) 312-2400 to obtain a VALET PARKING LICENSE APPLICATION if event valet is proposed on public property.

Street Use

Special event Use Fees are required for use of public streets, public parking spaces, alleys, and sidewalks. Street fees are measured by the type of street, number of lanes and/or streets occupied, and duration. Please see fees located on the City website at and search ‘special event’.
Street or Alley Use

Yes No
Public Parking Use

Yes No
Sidewalk Use

Yes No

Entertainment - Amplification/Sound Plan

Applicant is required to have an event staff member responsible for monitoring sound levels when sound-noise may be audible beyond the event venue to ensure the sound is not disturbing to others. This is important as noise complaints can result in calls for service from the Scottsdale Police Department. A police officer or Code Enforcement inspector may require the volume to be reduced or ceased based on complaints or unreasonable sound levels.

Yes No


Applicant is responsible for providing a safe and secure event This includes the event venue, event parking areas, and adjacent areas affected by the event. Applicant must ensure adequate personnel are present to provide general security, maintain order, contain liquor to licensed premises, protect money, provide medical assistance, etc. Depending on the nature of the event, private security personnel and/or off-duty police officers may be required. To hire Scottsdale PD off-duty officers, call 480-312-4385. Any privately hired security must be licensed in the State of Arizona.

The event will include the following (check all that apply):

Security Personnel

Scottsdale Fire Department and Medical Standby Services

The Scottsdale Fire Department may require, permits, emergency medical standby, fire apparatus or personnel standbys at events held within the city of Scottsdale. Applicants must ensure adequate personnel are present to provide general safety, provide medical assistance, and fire protection if applicable. Please refer to the City of Scottsdale special events user guide for details Special Event User Guide.
Will your event need fire department required permits?
Yes No
Permits Page
Will your event provide an emergency medical standby?
Yes No Email Fire Operations
Will your event need a fire department apparatus/personnel standby?
Yes No
Email Fire Operations


Insurance: Event activities on City/public property must be covered by insurance that protects the event sponsor/applicant and the City of Scottsdale. Various types and levels of liability insurance are required depending on the event. The required coverage and limits will be at the discretion of the Risk Management Division depending on the size and scope of the event. It is recommended that you submit your application and receive a determination on coverage and amounts before purchasing insurance coverage. Please refer to the Special Events Users Guide for more detailed information.

The following is a general guideline of the minimum limits that will be required:

Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage is required for all events with minimum limits of $1,000,000 Each Occurrence, $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregates, $2,000,000 General Aggregate. Liquor Liability Insurance of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 Per Occurrence is required for any event where liquor is being served.

All Insurance must endorse the City of Scottsdale as an Additional Insured. A separate insurance addendum with additional insurance requirements may be added to this application and become part of this contract.

Yes No

Yes No

Upload Documents (Step 4 of 5)

A detailed site plan of your event set up is required and must be uploaded with this application.

If applicable, please upload race route, signage plan, and other necessary documents.

  • Site Plan
  • H.O.A. Approval Letter
  • Insurance
  • Parking Map
  • Barricade Plan
  • Race Route


  1. To upload documents, click or drag-and-drop files anywhere inside this box.
  2. You can upload up to files at a time.
  3. The maximum size of each file cannot exceed .

    Application Review (Step 5 of 5)

    Standard applications must be completed and submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the event. Simple applications must be completed and submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the event. Applications received less than the deadlines stated above are subject to denial, unless the applicant includes a written explanation as part of the narrative demonstrating that compliance with the deadline was impractical or impossible.

    Digital Special Event Application Submittal

    Event Description

    Application Category
    Event Name
    Event Description
    General description of your event for Calendar of Events Listings
    Description of the planned activities, performances, retail components, experiences etc. of your event
    Description of how your event would benefit nearby businesses, residents, and the community at large
    Description of how any negative impacts to nearby businesses and residents would be addressed

    Event Information

    Event Setup Date & Time
    Event Teardown Date & Time

    Applicant Information

    Producer, Business, or Organization Name
    Mailing Address
    City State Zip
    Applicant Contact Name
    On-Site Contact Name
    Organization/Event URL
    Applicant Experience

    Prior Events

    Has this event been produced before?
    Is this an annual event?
    If yes, Number of years:
    Are there any changes from previous years?
    Applicable changes:

    Event Elements

    Describe for selected element(s)as they relate to your event.
    Selected elements description

    Public Property Criteria

    Please state any cross promotions or collaborations with local businesses to encourage sales or visibility
    Please state anticipated regional, national, or international attendance and any features or entertainment that brings on a regional, national, or international scale.
    Is Scottsdale promoted in the special event marketing
    If yes, please state how Scottsdale is promoted in the marketing:
    Please state how the community benefits from the event from a civic or cultural perspective
    Does your event require a paid fee for participants and/or spectators?

    Event Equipment

    Select all that apply. Show all equipment on your attached site plan and describe in detail in supplemental documents.


    Tables, Chairs, Furniture?
    Qty: kw Size:
    Portable Bars?
    Amplified Sound?
    Temporary Restrooms?
    Height: Type:
    BBQ Grills or Propane Use?
    10' x 10': 10' x 20': 20' x 20': Larger than 20' x 20':
    Tents larger than 20'x20' (400 square feet) require additional permits from the Fire Department. Generators 20 kw or greater require a separate permit.


    Retail Merchandise?
    Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages?
    Food Trucks?
    Extension of Premises Application?
    Special Event Liquor License?
    Organization Name
    Please list the outside companies/vendors that will be part of the event. A complete list of vendors must be submitted at least 7 days prior to your event.

    Signage Plan

    On-Site Signs?
    Qty: Type:
    Off Premises Signs?
    Qty: Type:
    Signage Plan Description:

    Site Plan

    A site plan is required for the overall event layout as well as any route maps for moving events such as races, parades, etc.

    As a general rule, site plans must include: surrounding street names, stages, speakers, fencing/barriers, bleachers, canopies/tests, cooking areas, generators, vehicles, beer gardens (and separate map required), number and dimension of entrances/exits, start and finish lines, routes with directional arrows, tables, chairs, TVs, temporary restrooms, etc.

    Parking Plan

    Please submit an illustrated map and/or provide a written description below to indicate where the event parking will occur for attendees, staff, volunteers, and vendors. State anticipated parking needs and spaces being provided. This may include on-site parking, off-site parking, shuttles, ride providers, valet, etc. Adequate parking must be available to demonstrate that parking or traffic impacts to adjacent areas are minimized. Any proposed off-site parking on private property requires a written approval from the property owner.

    If valet is proposed using public property, a separate temporary valet parking license is required by the valet provider and an application must be submitted to the City’s Tax & License Department.

    City parking lot?
    City parking garage?
    On-street parking?
    On-site parking?
    Off-site parking?
    Shuttle service from off-site parking areas (attach shuttle plan)?
    Provide a written description for the parking spaces being provided to ensure adequate parking for the attendees
    Valet service (provide a valet parking plan from the valet company)?
    Valet company:
    Contact person:
    Rider Provider?
    Description of parking plan:
    Contact Tax & Licensing at (480) 312-2400 to obtain a VALET PARKING LICENSE APPLICATION if event valet is propsed on public property.

    Street Use

    Special event Use Fees are required for use of public streets, public parking spaces, alleys, and sidewalks. Street fees are measured by the type of street, number of lanes and/or streets occupied, and duration. Please see fees located on the City website at and search ‘special event’.
    Street or Alley Use
    Does your event require any street, alley or lane closures?
    Number of lanes
    direction of travel
    Street name/location:
    Start Date & Time
    End Date & Time
    Public Parking Use
    Does your event require use of public parking spaces either in a public parking lot, garage, or on a street?
    Street name/location
    Start Date & Time
    End Date & Time
    Sidewalk Use
    Does your event require any sidewalk closures?
    Street name/location
    Start Date & Time
    End Date & Time
    Barricade Company
    Barricade Contact
    Barricade Phone

    Entertainment - Amplification/Sound Plan

    Applicant is required to have an event staff member responsible for monitoring sound levels when sound-noise may be audible beyond the event venue to ensure the sound is not disturbing others. This is important as noise complaints can result in calls for service from the Scottsdale Police Department. A police officer or Code Enforcement inspector may require the volume to be reduced or ceased based on complaints or unreasonable sound levels.

    Does your event include any of the following entertainment?

    Live Band
    Pre-recorded Music
    Speaker, Announcer
    Other Performer
    Onsite person responsible for monitoring sound:
    Company name:
    Phone Number
    Time and type of outside sound and include any sound check times if applicable:
    The plan for monitoring, containment, and mitigation:


    Applicant is responsible for providing a safe and secure event This includes the event venue, event parking areas, and adjacent areas affected by the event. Applicant must ensure adequate personnel are present to provide general security, maintain order, contain liquor to licensed premises, protect money, provide medical assistance, etc. Depending on the nature of the event, private security personnel and/or off-duty police officers may be required. To hire Scottsdale PD off-duty officers, call 480-312-4385. Any privately hired security must be licensed in the State of Arizona.

    The event will include the following:

    Security Personnel
    In-house staff and/or volunteers?
    Estimated number
    Hired security personnel?
    Estimated number
    Hired security company name
    Contact person
    Phone number
    Hired off-duty police officers?
    Estimated number
    Scottsdale Police Dept.
    Other Agency?
    Other Agency Name
    Contact Person
    Phone Number

    Scottsdale Fire Department and Medical Standby Services

    The Scottsdale Fire Department recommends an emergency medical standby when daily attendance exceeds 5,000 people or the nature of the event deems it appropriate. Occupancy loads must adhere to that which is set by the Fire Department. For more information please refer to the Special Event User Guide.

    The event will include the following:

    Medical Standby
    Fire Department Required Permits
    Emergency Medical Standby:
    Estimated Number:
    Contact person:
    Fire Apparatus Request:


    I have a race event and have submitted a copy of the participant waiver that includes waiving liability against the city of Scottsdale and holding the city of Scottsdale harmless.
    I have included a copy of the insurance certificate showing appropriate limits and coverages as required and naming City of Scottsdale as additional insured.

    Additional Detail

    Files Uploaded

    Application Authorization

    WARRANTY: Applicant warrants that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of Applicant’s knowledge and belief.

    INDEMNIFICATION: To the fullest extent allowed by law, the Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, representatives, agents, employees and volunteers from and against all allegations, demands, proceedings, suits, actions, claims, damages, losses, expenses, including but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, the cost of appellate proceedings, and all claim adjusting and handling expenses, arising from or related to any acts or omissions of the permit holder or its agents, contractors and subcontractors related to the Special Event.

    The Applicant’s signature below authorizes a City representative to inspect a special event on City or private property at any time, including setup.

    AUTHORITY: For special events on public property, the Applicant warrants:

    1. I am the permittee or an authorized agent of the permittee with authority to legally bind the permittee (an agent may sign only if the event is on private property) and agree to the conditions of this permit.

    Your Application Has Been Successfully Submitted

    Your application entries have been temporarily stored and can be retrieved by Tourism and Events. Please write down the application number listed below. Print this page if you want a paper copy. Staff will contact you within 5 working days to deem your application complete or incomplete. If deemed complete, you will be required to pay the $110 review fee in order to process the application for staff review. If deemed incomplete, you will be requested to submit specific required documents or information.

    Location Event

    Application Number
    Event Address


    City of Scottsdale - Tourism & Events
    7506 E. Indian School Road
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251